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Sex Data for County: Lancaster

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Population by Sex
Population by Sex County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
Male 273,377 48.77% 6,350,373 48.90%
Female 287,123 51.23% 6,636,694 51.10%
Hispanic/Latino Population by Sex
Hispanic/Latino Population by Sex County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of Hispanic/Latino Population Persons % of Hispanic/Latino Population
Male 32,930 49.19% 592,240 49.68%
Female 34,016 50.81% 599,870 50.32%
White Population by Sex
White Population by Sex County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of White Population Persons % of White Population
Male 219,157 48.61% 4,669,863 49.00%
Female 231,671 51.39% 4,861,301 51.00%
Black/African American Population by Sex
Black/African American Population by Sex County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of Black/African American Population Persons % of Black/African American Population
Male 12,401 51.97% 694,145 48.07%
Female 11,463 48.03% 749,922 51.93%
American Indian/Alaskan Native Population by Sex
American Indian/Alaskan Native Population by Sex County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of American Indian/Alaskan Native Population Persons % of American Indian/Alaskan Native Population
Male 703 50.21% 17,472 52.39%
Female 697 49.79% 15,879 47.61%
Asian Population by Sex
Asian Population by Sex County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of Asian Population Persons % of Asian Population
Male 7,512 46.85% 262,198 48.08%
Female 8,522 53.15% 283,135 51.92%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population by Sex
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population by Sex County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population Persons % of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population
Male 71 41.04% 2,207 49.50%
Female 102 58.96% 2,252 50.50%
Some Other Race Population by Sex
Some Other Race Population by Sex County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of Some Other Race Population Persons % of Some Other Race Population
Male 14,775 49.62% 285,430 50.42%
Female 14,999 50.38% 280,725 49.58%
2+ Races Population by Sex
2+ Races Population by Sex County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of 2+ Races Population Persons % of 2+ Races Population
Male 18,758 48.81% 419,058 48.58%
Female 19,669 51.19% 443,480 51.42%
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Male Population by Age Group County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of Male Population Persons % of Male Population
0 - 4 17,526 6.41% 334,851 5.27%
5 - 9 17,716 6.48% 347,386 5.47%
10 - 14 18,554 6.79% 379,750 5.98%
15 - 17 11,127 4.07% 238,588 3.76%
18 - 20 12,449 4.55% 289,660 4.56%
21 - 24 14,954 5.47% 344,823 5.43%
25 - 34 33,985 12.43% 811,829 12.78%
35 - 44 32,756 11.98% 791,362 12.46%
45 - 54 29,775 10.89% 740,863 11.67%
55 - 64 33,098 12.11% 852,224 13.42%
65 - 74 29,066 10.63% 737,250 11.61%
75 - 84 16,183 5.92% 366,260 5.77%
85+ 6,188 2.26% 115,527 1.82%
Male Population by Age
Male Population by Age County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of Male Population Persons % of Male Population
Under 18 64,923 23.75% 1,300,575 20.48%
18+ 208,454 76.25% 5,049,798 79.52%
65+ 51,437 18.82% 1,219,037 19.20%
85+ 6,188 2.26% 115,527 1.82%
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Female Population by Age Group County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of Female Population Persons % of Female Population
0 - 4 16,786 5.85% 320,637 4.83%
5 - 9 16,814 5.86% 332,286 5.01%
10 - 14 17,304 6.03% 361,251 5.44%
15 - 17 10,694 3.72% 226,627 3.41%
18 - 20 12,676 4.41% 292,625 4.41%
21 - 24 14,558 5.07% 331,615 5.00%
25 - 34 34,013 11.85% 799,061 12.04%
35 - 44 33,788 11.77% 797,965 12.02%
45 - 54 30,994 10.79% 759,321 11.44%
55 - 64 35,431 12.34% 893,325 13.46%
65 - 74 32,946 11.47% 822,210 12.39%
75 - 84 20,579 7.17% 477,793 7.20%
85+ 10,540 3.67% 221,978 3.34%
Female Population by Age
Female Population by Age County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of Female Population Persons % of Female Population
Under 18 61,598 21.45% 1,240,801 18.70%
18+ 225,525 78.55% 5,395,893 81.30%
65+ 64,065 22.31% 1,521,981 22.93%
85+ 10,540 3.67% 221,978 3.34%

Male Median Age

County: Lancaster


State: Pennsylvania 40.4 Years

Female Median Age

County: Lancaster


State: Pennsylvania 43.2 Years

Male Population Age 25+: Less Than High School Graduation

County: Lancaster

(14.87% of Male Population: Age 25+)

State: Pennsylvania 395,980 Persons (8.97% of Male Population: Age 25+)

Female Population Age 25+: Less Than High School Graduation

County: Lancaster

(11.23% of Female Population: Age 25+)

State: Pennsylvania 375,813 Persons (7.88% of Female Population: Age 25+)

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Male Population Age 25+ by Educational Attainment County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of Male Population Age 25+ Persons % of Male Population Age 25+
Less than 9th Grade 13,421 7.41% 138,473 3.14%
Some High School, No Diploma 13,498 7.46% 257,507 5.83%
High School Grad 62,363 34.44% 1,536,329 34.80%
Some College, No Degree 27,115 14.98% 678,546 15.37%
Associate Degree 12,797 7.07% 347,873 7.88%
Bachelor's Degree 32,820 18.13% 895,827 20.29%
Master's Degree 12,265 6.77% 366,032 8.29%
Professional Degree 3,669 2.03% 111,348 2.52%
Doctorate Degree 3,103 1.71% 83,380 1.89%
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Female Population Age 25+ by Educational Attainment County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of Female Population Age 25+ Persons % of Female Population Age 25+
Less than 9th Grade 10,742 5.42% 134,740 2.82%
Some High School, No Diploma 11,519 5.81% 241,073 5.05%
High School Grad 69,777 35.19% 1,556,511 32.62%
Some College, No Degree 29,980 15.12% 738,282 15.47%
Associate Degree 17,230 8.69% 458,702 9.61%
Bachelor's Degree 36,439 18.38% 958,278 20.08%
Master's Degree 18,387 9.27% 524,664 11.00%
Professional Degree 2,635 1.33% 90,537 1.90%
Doctorate Degree 1,582 0.80% 68,866 1.44%
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Population 16+: Unemployed by Sex County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Value Value
Male 3.56% 6.02%
Female 3.75% 5.58%
Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.