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Summary Data for County: Lancaster


County: Lancaster


State: Pennsylvania 12,987,067 Persons

Percent Population Change: 2020 to 2024

County: Lancaster


State: Pennsylvania -0.12%

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Population by Race County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
White 450,828 80.43% 9,531,164 73.39%
Black/African American 23,864 4.26% 1,444,067 11.12%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 1,400 0.25% 33,351 0.26%
Asian 16,034 2.86% 545,333 4.20%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 173 0.03% 4,459 0.03%
Some Other Race 29,774 5.31% 566,155 4.36%
2+ Races 38,427 6.86% 862,538 6.64%
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Population by Ethnicity County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
Hispanic/Latino 66,946 11.94% 1,192,110 9.18%
Non-Hispanic/Latino 493,554 88.06% 11,794,957 90.82%
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Population by Age Group County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
0-4 34,312 6.12% 655,488 5.05%
5-9 34,530 6.16% 679,672 5.23%
10-14 35,858 6.40% 741,001 5.71%
15-17 21,821 3.89% 465,215 3.58%
18-20 25,125 4.48% 582,285 4.48%
21-24 29,512 5.27% 676,438 5.21%
25-34 67,998 12.13% 1,610,890 12.40%
35-44 66,544 11.87% 1,589,327 12.24%
45-54 60,769 10.84% 1,500,184 11.55%
55-64 68,529 12.23% 1,745,549 13.44%
65-74 62,012 11.06% 1,559,460 12.01%
75-84 36,762 6.56% 844,053 6.50%
85+ 16,728 2.98% 337,505 2.60%
Population by Sex
Population by Sex County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
Male 273,377 48.77% 6,350,373 48.90%
Female 287,123 51.23% 6,636,694 51.10%


County: Lancaster


State: Pennsylvania 5,206,299 Households


County: Lancaster


State: Pennsylvania 3,377,550 Families

Average Household Size

County: Lancaster


State: Pennsylvania 2.41 Persons

Households With Own Children

County: Lancaster

(28.23% of Households)

State: Pennsylvania 1,285,321 Households (24.69% of Households)

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Median Household Income by Race/Ethnicity County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Value Value
All $81,945 $74,466
White $85,087 $80,283
Black/African American $56,729 $46,899
American Indian/Alaskan Native $81,750 $52,513
Asian $83,870 $93,904
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander $43,958 $48,981
Some Other Race $51,213 $47,087
2+ Races $75,544 $68,524
Hispanic/Latino $59,873 $54,730
Non-Hispanic/Latino $84,373 $76,179

Families Below Poverty

County: Lancaster

(5.80% of Families)

State: Pennsylvania 279,510 Families (8.28% of Families)

Families Below Poverty with Children

County: Lancaster

(3.49% of Families)

State: Pennsylvania 198,622 Families (5.88% of Families)

Housing Units

County: Lancaster

Housing units

State: Pennsylvania 5,783,399 Housing units

Owner-Occupied Housing Units Average Value

County: Lancaster


State: Pennsylvania $319,400

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Population 25+ by Educational Attainment County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of Population Age 25+ Persons % of Population Age 25+
Less than 9th Grade 24,163 6.37% 273,213 2.97%
Some High School, No Diploma 25,017 6.59% 498,580 5.43%
High School Grad 132,140 34.83% 3,092,840 33.67%
Some College, No Degree 57,095 15.05% 1,416,828 15.42%
Associate Degree 30,027 7.92% 806,575 8.78%
Bachelor's Degree 69,259 18.26% 1,854,105 20.18%
Master's Degree 30,652 8.08% 890,696 9.70%
Professional Degree 6,304 1.66% 201,885 2.20%
Doctorate Degree 4,685 1.24% 152,246 1.66%

Population 16+: Unemployed

County: Lancaster


State: Pennsylvania 5.80%

Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.