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Education Data for County: Lancaster

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Population Age 25+ with Less Than High School Graduation

County: Lancaster

(12.96% of Population: Age 25+)

State: Pennsylvania 771,793 Persons (8.40% of Population: Age 25+)

Male Population Age 25+: Less Than High School Graduation

County: Lancaster

(14.87% of Male Population: Age 25+)

State: Pennsylvania 395,980 Persons (8.97% of Male Population: Age 25+)

Female Population Age 25+: Less Than High School Graduation

County: Lancaster

(11.23% of Female Population: Age 25+)

State: Pennsylvania 375,813 Persons (7.88% of Female Population: Age 25+)

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Population 25+ by Educational Attainment County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of Population Age 25+ Persons % of Population Age 25+
Less than 9th Grade 24,163 6.37% 273,213 2.97%
Some High School, No Diploma 25,017 6.59% 498,580 5.43%
High School Grad 132,140 34.83% 3,092,840 33.67%
Some College, No Degree 57,095 15.05% 1,416,828 15.42%
Associate Degree 30,027 7.92% 806,575 8.78%
Bachelor's Degree 69,259 18.26% 1,854,105 20.18%
Master's Degree 30,652 8.08% 890,696 9.70%
Professional Degree 6,304 1.66% 201,885 2.20%
Doctorate Degree 4,685 1.24% 152,246 1.66%
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Male Population Age 25+ by Educational Attainment County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of Male Population Age 25+ Persons % of Male Population Age 25+
Less than 9th Grade 13,421 7.41% 138,473 3.14%
Some High School, No Diploma 13,498 7.46% 257,507 5.83%
High School Grad 62,363 34.44% 1,536,329 34.80%
Some College, No Degree 27,115 14.98% 678,546 15.37%
Associate Degree 12,797 7.07% 347,873 7.88%
Bachelor's Degree 32,820 18.13% 895,827 20.29%
Master's Degree 12,265 6.77% 366,032 8.29%
Professional Degree 3,669 2.03% 111,348 2.52%
Doctorate Degree 3,103 1.71% 83,380 1.89%
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Female Population Age 25+ by Educational Attainment County: Lancaster State: Pennsylvania
Persons % of Female Population Age 25+ Persons % of Female Population Age 25+
Less than 9th Grade 10,742 5.42% 134,740 2.82%
Some High School, No Diploma 11,519 5.81% 241,073 5.05%
High School Grad 69,777 35.19% 1,556,511 32.62%
Some College, No Degree 29,980 15.12% 738,282 15.47%
Associate Degree 17,230 8.69% 458,702 9.61%
Bachelor's Degree 36,439 18.38% 958,278 20.08%
Master's Degree 18,387 9.27% 524,664 11.00%
Professional Degree 2,635 1.33% 90,537 1.90%
Doctorate Degree 1,582 0.80% 68,866 1.44%
Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.