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Average Household Income: Some Other Race

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Average Household Income: Some Other Race

Measurement Period: 2024
Data Source: Claritas
July 14,

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$20,726 - $51,786
$51,786 - $82,067
$82,067 - $111,944
$111,944 - $158,750
$158,750 - $250,000
Countysort column Dollarssort column
Lancaster $71,117
Statesort column Dollarssort column
Pennsylvania $65,226
Regionsort column Dollarssort column
Northeast Lancaster County $80,842
Rural $85,610
Urban $67,018
Zip Codesort column Dollarssort column
17022 $91,030
17501 $34,661
17502 $58,333
17505 $58,194
17508 $58,750
17509 $59,091
17512 $41,730
17516 $99,079
17517 $82,067
17518 $97,500
17519 $55,435
17520 $20,726
17522 $79,935
17527 $73,137
17529 $95,577
17532 $88,611
17534 $250,000
17535 $105,469
17536 $65,278
17538 $68,636
17540 $41,771
17543 $81,117
17545 $73,661
17547 $78,297
17550 $99,583
17551 $69,370
17552 $104,961
17554 $98,935
17555 $75,526
17557 $139,828
17560 $51,786
17562 $144,931
17563 $97,353
17565 $86,364
17566 $64,085
17569 $92,500
17572 $136,200
17576 $67,500
17578 $92,717
17579 $70,536
17581 $103,333
17582 $111,944
17584 $98,535
17601 $80,373
17602 $60,124
17603 $72,300
19501 $158,750

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Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.