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Maryland's Tomorrow

An Effective Practice


Maryland's Tomorrow was founded in 1988 and has operated in school districts within the state of Maryland. Baltimore County Public Schools offers this program to help youth who need extra support services. It is a drop-out prevention program, the goal of which is to increase high school graduation. The program operates in five high schools: Chesapeake, Dundalk, Kenwood, Patapsco, and Sparrows Point. Students are identified for the program in eighth grade. Criteria used to identify students include the following: absences in excess of 20 days in the school year; grade average below 2.0; and below-grade-level skills in math and English.

Maryland's Tomorrow staff are located at the high school and provide transition services, guidance services, and activities that are both classroom and community-based. Students are encouraged to stay in the program throughout their high school years. Program features include emphasis on basic reading and writing skills, career exploration, rewards and recognition for achievement, educational field trips, and a student-to-teacher or -counselor ratio conducive to individual attention.

Between 15 and 20% of the youth have identified disabilities. Maryland's Tomorrow staff work closely with special education teachers in implementing each student's individual education plan (IEP) and in providing any needed accommodations. While learning disabilities are the most prevalent type of disability, this program serves youth with all types of disabilities.

Goal / Mission

Two of the goals for the Maryland's Tomorrow program are for all seniors to pass Maryland's state tests and graduate, and for all participating students to improve their grade point averages.

Results / Accomplishments

During the 2002-2003 school year, Maryland's Tomorrow students had a dropout rate of 2.4%, compared to an overall dropout rate of 4.8% for all students in participating schools. In addition, there was a 100% pass rate in the Maryland Functional tests for 2003-2004 among all seniors participating in the Maryland's Tomorrow program.

About this Promising Practice

Baltimore County Public Schools - Department of Student Support Services
Primary Contact
Mike Kulansky
Baltimore County Public Schools
9610 Pulaski Park Dr, Suite 219
Baltimore, MD 21220
(410) 887-2270
Education / Student Performance K-12
Baltimore County Public Schools - Department of Student Support Services
Date of publication
Date of implementation
Baltimore, MD
For more details
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