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Every Woman Counts

An Effective Practice


The California Department of Public Health's Every Woman Counts program launched the first statewide breast cancer hot line in the United States for Asian American women. As a way of reaching this population, the department broadened its hot line to offer information in Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese dialects), Korean, and Vietnamese, in addition to the information already offered in English and Spanish.

Goal / Mission

The goal of this program is to improve access to breast cancer information with linguistically and culturally appropriate outreach efforts.

Results / Accomplishments

Through its 2000 public awareness campaign, Every Woman Counts...Every Year, the department sponsored radio and print ads in Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese to let Asian American women know about the hot line. Because of the campaign, the number of calls to the hot line increased from 24 in April 2000 to 576 in June 2000. On average, the hot line continues to receive approximately 60 to 80 calls per month, three times the number received prior to the campaign.

About this Promising Practice

The California Department of Public Health
Primary Contact
California Department of Health Services
Cancer Detection Section
601 North 7th Street, MS-428
P.O. Box 942732
Sacramento, California 94234-7320
(916) 327-2784
Health / Cancer
Health / Women's Health
The California Department of Public Health
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Steps to a Healthier U.S.
Date of publication
Date of implementation
Target Audience
Women, Racial/Ethnic Minorities