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Foster Children's Project

An Evidence-Based Practice


Established in 2001, the Foster Children's Project provides each child in the foster care system between the ages of 0 through 12, and their siblings, an attorney to represent them in all court matters. The attorney advocates for them to achieve permanence within 12 months, whether through reunification with their biological parents, adoption by family members, or adoption through the community. The Foster Children's Project has recently been authorized to expand its representation to children ages 0 to 5 placed with relatives.

This program is locally funded by Children Services Council of Palm Beach County.

Goal / Mission

To advocate for children and help them resolve their most pressing legal problem: being in the custody of the state when they need to be in the custody of a family - biological or adoptive - within the 12 months provided by law.


Children represented by the Foster's Children Project were more likely to exit the foster system to permanency due to higher rates of adoption and long-term custody, but not reunification, than their peers not represented by FCP.

Results / Accomplishments

A 2008 study by the Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago found that children who were represented through the Foster Children's Project were significantly more likely to exit to permanency (p < 0.01), be placed in adoption or guardianship (p < 0.001), and experience long-term custody (p < 0.01) than their peers. However, there was no significant difference in the rates of reunification between children aided by the Foster's Children Project and than their unaided peers.

About this Promising Practice

Legal Aid of Palm Beach County
Primary Contact
Legal Aid of Palm Beach County
423 Fern Street, Suite 200
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Community / Governance
Community / Social Environment
Health / Children's Health
Legal Aid of Palm Beach County
Legal Aid
Date of publication
Date of implementation
Geographic Type
Palm Beach
For more details
Target Audience
Submitted By
Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County