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Medicaid Travel of Pediatric Dental Teams

A Good Idea


In November 2000, the Division of Public Health at the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services awarded a sole source grant to the Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARHC), a non-profit health corporation of southeast Alaska, to deliver dental services to Medicaid-enrolled children residing in remote locations in southeast Alaska. SEARHC contracted private pediatric dentists to travel to the communities and deliver dental services to children. A Medicaid outreach worker coordinated dental visits for local children and SEARHC staffs arranged dentist visits to the regions.

In 2004, after the completion of the grant, this project became part of a continuing care agreement between SEARHC and the Department/ State Medicaid Program.

Goal / Mission

The goal of the program was to reduce barriers to dental care and increase the use of dental care among underserved children living in remote locations in Alaska.

Results / Accomplishments

During the first year of program, 1,649 dental visits were provided to over 900 children enrolled in Medicaid. Within the second year, 2,162 patient visits were provided, and over 600 children received dental services.

The program served as a model for increasing the use of dental care among underserved populations and reducing Medicaid costs associated with transporting children to health services.

About this Promising Practice

Alaska Medicaid State Plan / Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium
Primary Contact
Brad Whistler, DMD, Dental Director
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
Division of Public Health
P.O. Box 110660
350 Main Street, Room 414
Juneau, AK 99811-0660
Health / Health Care Access & Quality
Health / Oral Health
Health / Children's Health
Alaska Medicaid State Plan / Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium
Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors
Date of publication
Jan 2005
Date of implementation
Nov 2000
Geographic Type
For more details
Target Audience