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Coalition for Community Schools

An Effective Practice


The Coalition for Community School's mission is to mobilize the resources and capacity of multiple sectors and institutions to create a united movement for community schools. The Coalition uses public schools throughout the United States to create community hubs that provide academic, health, social services, youth development, and community engagement services to children, youth, families and communities. Schools become the center of their communities, leading to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities.

Community schools work with local partners so that: (1) children are ready to learn when they enter school, (2) young people are prepared for adult roles in the workplace, (3) families are supportive and engaged, and (4) community members are involved with the school.

The Coalition’s goals are to share information about successful community school policies, programs and practices, build broader public support, inform public and private-sector policies, and develop sustainable sources of funding for community schools.

The Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) staffs the Coalition. Multiple foundations fund this program.

Goal / Mission

Coalition for Community Schools’ mission is to mobilize the resources and capacity of multiple sectors and institutions to create a united movement for community schools.

Results / Accomplishments

An independent review of 20 evaluations of community school initiatives revealed that community schools had significant positive impacts on students, schools, families, and communities. Over 50% of the evaluation initiatives found evidence of improvement in the actions, attitudes, interests, and relationships of individuals participating in community school activities. Seventy-five percent of the evaluated initiatives achieved improvement in individual academic achievement. In Ohio’s Urban School Initiative School Age Child Care Project, eighth-grade participants reduced the average number of school absences from 18 days in seventh grade to five days in eighth grade. In California, low-income Healthy Start students in the lowest-performing elementary schools increased by their standardized math scores by 50% and reading scores by 25%. In Texas’ 84 Alliance Schools, the pass rates on the state’s proficiency exam improved at double the rate among economically disadvantaged students than in the total Alliance School student population.

About this Promising Practice

Institute for Educational Leadership
Primary Contact
Martin Blank, Director
4455 Connecticut Avenue, NW

Suite 310

Washington, DC 20008
(202) 822-8405 x167
Education / Student Performance K-12
Community / Social Environment
Institute for Educational Leadership
Date of publication
For more details
Target Audience
Children, Teens, Families