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Environmental Prevention of DUI Among College Students

An Effective Practice


This program used an environmental approach to driving under the influence (DUI) prevention among college students. Students were exposed to a DUI intervention that included a social marketing campaign, a media advocacy campaign, and increased law enforcement in the form of DUI checkpoints and roving DUI patrols. Each checkpoint received local news coverage, and the campus newspaper ran stories related to driving under the influence. The social marketing campaign was student-designed, and included advertisements posted in various places around campus. Checkpoints were conducted on three main streets surrounding the campus to increase the perception of risk of arrest for DUI, as well as to catch offenders.

Goal / Mission

The goal of this program is to decrease driving under the influence among college students.

Results / Accomplishments

The program was evaluated using a quasi-experimental design to compare the students at the intervention college with students attending a comparison college. A pre- and post-intervention telephone interview of randomly selected students found that self-reported past year DUI decreased significantly from pre-test to post-test (odds ration = 0.55) at the intervention school. Rates at the comparison campus remained did not decline.

About this Promising Practice

San Diego State University Center for Alcohol and Drug Studies
Primary Contact
John Clapp
Center for Alcohol and Drug Studies
San Diego State University
6386 Alvarado Courte, Suite 224
San Diego, CA 92120
(619) 594-6859
Community / Public Safety
Health / Alcohol & Drug Use
Community / Transportation
San Diego State University Center for Alcohol and Drug Studies
Date of publication
Mar 2005
Date of implementation
San Diego, CA
For more details
Target Audience