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Maryland Prevention Case Management

An Effective Practice


Maryland's Prevention Case Management (PCM) program provides counseling to inmates prior to their release to promote changes in risk behavior associated with HIV transmission. The prevalence of HIV infection and AIDS and associated risk behaviors are much higher among the incarcerated population than the general population. PCM for inmates is a skills-building intervention starting six months prior to release that combines individual counseling with group sessions. Local health department counselors provide information about personal HIV risk, condom use, substance abuse, and transitioning back into the community. Individual post-release plans are designed for each participant including referrals for services such as drug treatment, employment assistance, and local health departments.

Goal / Mission

The goal of Maryland's Prevention Case Management program is to decrease HIV transmission following release from prison.

Results / Accomplishments

A total of over 2,600 inmates have participated in the PCM program. Participants that have been contacted following release have shown positive changes in attitude, self-efficacy, and intentions related to HIV-risk over a four year period following their release. When compared to individuals who did not complete the program, significant changes were found in perceived risk, self-reported condom attitudes, self-efficacy for condom use, and intentions to practice safer sex post-release.

About this Promising Practice

Maryland AIDS Administration, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Primary Contact
Claudia B. Gray
Maryland Center for HIV Prevention
500 N Calvert St
Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 767-5018
Health / Immunizations & Infectious Diseases
Community / Crime & Crime Prevention
Health / Prevention & Safety
Maryland AIDS Administration, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
AIDS Education and Prevention
Date of publication
Date of implementation
For more details
Target Audience
Additional Audience
Prison Inmates