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Nevada’s Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment Program

An Evidence-Based Practice


Nevada’s Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment program (REA) is a mandatory program for new UI claimants who (i) have received one week of UI benefits under the new claim; (ii) have no work return date (i.e., are not on temporary layoff); (iii) are not active in other training programs; and (iv) are not attached to a union hiring hall. At the time the study below was initiated (2009), such individuals comprised approximately 20% of new UI claimants in Nevada.

Goal / Mission

The goal of the program is to enhance services to unemployment insurance (UI) claimants and connecting to reemployment opportunities by collaborating efforts between Employment Services (ES) and Unemployment Insurance to be provided at the same time. This collaborative helps customer service by making follow-up easier and build rapport with the customers. Additionally, it sought to save time by cutting out the middle man and saving money by combining both the National Reemployment Services (RES) and Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment (REA) initiatives.


REA participants received 3.13 fewer weeks of benefits compared to control group peers and received $536 less in regular UI benefits. Program participants were 20 times more likely to obtain employment in the first 2 quarters after program entry.

Results / Accomplishments

With over 141,000 participants, the RES/REA combination reduced UI duration and saved over $4 for ever federal dollar spent. Further, 81% of RES/REA claimants returned to work. Trust Fund Savings totaled $41 million from 2001 to June 2012.

About this Promising Practice

State of Nevada, Department of Employment
Primary Contact
Kim Morigeau, Program Specialist III, State of Nevada, Department of Employment, Training & Rehabili
500 E. Third Street
Carson City, NV 89713

2800 E. St. Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89104
(775) 684-0317
Community / Social Environment
State of Nevada, Department of Employment
Date of publication
Date of implementation
Las Vegas, NV
For more details
Target Audience